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Śrī Īśopaniṣad

Śrī Īśopaniṣad

The knowledge that brings one nearer to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa

The knowledge that brings one nearer to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa

The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance.
Priklic božanske navzočnosti:
Gospod, Božanska Osebnost, je popoln in celovit, zato je tudi vse, kar izhaja iz Njega, na primer pojavni svet, popolnoma opremljeno kot popolna celota in je po svoji naravi popolno. Ker je Gospod Popolna Celota, ostaja v popolnem ravnovesju, čeprav iz Njega izhaja brezmejno število popolnih enot.
Mantra One:
Everything animate or inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord. One should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set aside as his quota, and one should not accept other things, knowing well to whom they belong.
Prva mantra:
Vse živo in neživo v vesolju je v Gospodovi lasti in pod Njegovim nadzorom. Zato bi si smeli vzeti le tisto, kar potrebujemo in nam je odmerjeno, drugih stvari pa ne, saj moramo dobro vedeti, komu pripadajo.
Mantra Two:
One may aspire to live for hundreds of years if he continuously goes on working in that way, for that sort of work will not bind him to the law of karma. There is no alternative to this way for man.
Druga mantra:
Kdor ves čas tako deluje, si lahko želi živeti več sto let, saj se ne zaplete v zakon karme. Človek pravzaprav nima druge možnosti.
Mantra Three:
The killer of the soul, whoever he may be, must enter into the planets known as the worlds of the faithless, full of darkness and ignorance.
Tretja mantra:
Ubijalec duše, pa naj bo kdor koli, mora na planete, polne teme in nevednosti, ki slovijo kot svetovi brezbožnežev.
Mantra Four:
Although fixed in His abode, the Personality of Godhead is swifter than the mind and can overcome all others running. The powerful demigods cannot approach Him. Although in one place, He controls those who supply the air and rain. He surpasses all in excellence.
Četrta mantra:
Čeprav se Gospod, Božanska Osebnost, ne premakne iz Svojega prebivališča, je hitrejši od misli in vsakogar prehiti. Mogočni polbogovi se Mu ne morejo približati. Čeprav je na enem mestu, nadzira tiste, ki nas oskrbujejo z zrakom in dežjem. Odličnejši je od vsakogar.
Mantra Five:
The Supreme Lord walks and does not walk. He is far away, but He is very near as well. He is within everything, and yet He is outside of everything.
Peta mantra:
Vsevišnji Gospod hodi in ne hodi. Je zelo daleč, pa tudi zelo blizu. Je znotraj vsega, pa vendar zunaj vsega.
Mantra Six:
He who systematically sees everything in relation to the Supreme Lord, who sees all living entities as His parts and parcels, and who sees the Supreme Lord within everything never hates anything or any being.
Šesta mantra:
Kdor dosledno vse vidi v povezavi z Vsevišnjim Gospodom in se zaveda, da so vsa živa bitja Njegovi delci ter da je Vsevišnji Gospod v vsem, ta ničesar in nikogar ne sovraži.
Mantra Seven:
One who always sees all living entities as spiritual sparks, in quality one with the Lord, becomes a true knower of things. What, then, can be illusion or anxiety for him?
Sedma mantra:
Kdor vsa živa bitja vedno vidi kot duhovne iskre, po lastnostih enake Gospodu, si pridobi resnično znanje. Kaj bi ga potem lahko zaslepilo ali mu povzročilo skrbi?
Mantra Eight:
Such a person must factually know the greatest of all, the Personality of Godhead, who is unembodied, omniscient, beyond reproach, without veins, pure and uncontaminated, the self-sufficient philosopher who has been fulfilling everyone’s desire since time immemorial.
Osma mantra:
Tak človek gotovo resnično pozna najmogočnejšega Vsevišnjega Gospoda, neutelešenega, vsevednega, neoporečnega, brezžilnega, čistega, neomadeževanega in samozadostnega modreca, ki od vekomaj izpolnjuje vsakogaršnje želje.
Mantra Nine:
Those who engage in the culture of nescient activities shall enter into the darkest region of ignorance. Worse still are those engaged in the culture of so-called knowledge.
Deveta mantra:
Tisti, ki s svojim delovanjem gojijo nevednost, zabredejo v najglobljo zaslepljenost, še hujši pa so tisti, ki negujejo navidezno znanje.
Mantra Ten:
The wise have explained that one result is derived from the culture of knowledge and that a different result is obtained from the culture of nescience.
Deseta mantra:
Modri so nam pojasnili, da nekaj dosežemo z razvijanjem znanja, drugo pa z negovanjem nevednosti.
Mantra Eleven:
Only one who can learn the process of nescience and that of transcendental knowledge side by side can transcend the influence of repeated birth and death and enjoy the full blessings of immortality.
Enajsta mantra:
Le kdor vzporedno spoznava poti nevednosti in duhovnega znanja, se lahko dvigne nad vpliv ponavljajočih se rojstev in smrti ter uživa poln blagoslov neumrljivosti.
Mantra Twelve:
Those who are engaged in the worship of demigods enter into the darkest region of ignorance, and still more so do the worshipers of the impersonal Absolute.
Dvanajsta mantra:
Tisti, ki častijo polbogove, vstopijo v najtemnejše predele nevednosti, še globlje pa zabredejo častilci brezosebnega Absoluta.
Mantra Thirteen:
It is said that one result is obtained by worshiping the supreme cause of all causes and that another result is obtained by worshiping what is not supreme. All this is heard from the undisturbed authorities, who clearly explained it.
Trinajsta mantra:
Razsodni verodostojni duhovni učitelji so nam jasno razložili, da nekaj dosežemo s čaščenjem vrhovnega vzroka vseh vzrokov, drugo pa s čaščenjem nečesa, kar ni vrhovno.
Mantra Fourteen:
One should know perfectly the Personality of Godhead Śrī Kṛṣṇa and His transcendental name, form, qualities and pastimes, as well as the temporary material creation with its temporary demigods, men and animals. When one knows these, he surpasses death and the ephemeral cosmic manifestation with it, and in the eternal kingdom of God he enjoys his eternal life of bliss and knowledge.
Štirinajsta mantra:
Človek bi moral resnično poznati Vsevišnjega Gospoda, Śrī Kṛṣṇo, Njegovo transcendentalno ime, podobo, lastnosti in zabave pa tudi začasno materialno stvarstvo z minljivimi polbogovi, ljudmi in živalmi. Takrat se lahko dvigne nad smrt in bežen pojavni svet ter v večnem Božjem kraljestvu uživa v neskončnem življenju, polnem blaženosti in vednosti.
Mantra Fifteen:
O my Lord, sustainer of all that lives, Your real face is covered by Your dazzling effulgence. Kindly remove that covering and exhibit Yourself to Your pure devotee.
Petnajsta mantra:
O moj Gospod, vzdrževalec vseh živih bitij, slepeč sijaj zakriva Tvoje pravo obličje. Prosim, odstri to zakrivalo in se pokaži Svojemu čistemu bhakti.
Mantra Sixteen:
O my Lord, O primeval philosopher, maintainer of the universe, O regulating principle, destination of the pure devotees, well-wisher of the progenitors of mankind, please remove the effulgence of Your transcendental rays so that I can see Your form of bliss. You are the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead, like unto the sun, as am I.
Šestnajsta mantra:
O moj Gospod, o prvobitni modrec, vzdrževalec vesolja, o predpisano načelo, cilj čistih bhakt, dobrotnik praočetov človeštva, prosim, odstrani sij Svojih božanskih žarkov, da lahko uzrem Tvojo upodobljeno blaženost. Ti si večna Vsevišnja Božanska Osebnost, si kot sonce, kot sem tudi jaz.
Mantra Seventeen:
Let this temporary body be burnt to ashes, and let the air of life be merged with the totality of air. Now, O my Lord, please remember all my sacrifices, and because You are the ultimate beneficiary, please remember all that I have done for You.
Sedemnajsta mantra:
Naj minljivo telo zgori v pepel in naj se dih življenja razblini v zrak! Zdaj, o moj Gospod, se, prosim, spomni vseh mojih žrtvovanj, in ker si vrhovni uživalec, se, prosim, spomni vsega, kar sem storil Zate.
Mantra Eighteen:
O my Lord, as powerful as fire, O omnipotent one, now I offer You all obeisances, falling on the ground at Your feet. O my Lord, please lead me on the right path to reach You, and since You know all that I have done in the past, please free me from the reactions to my past sins so that there will be no hindrance to my progress.
Osemnajsta mantra:
O moj Gospod, silen kot ogenj, o vsemogočni, zdaj se Ti priklanjam in padam pred Tvoja stopala. O moj Gospod, prosim, vodi me k Sebi po pravi poti, in ker veš vse, kar sem kdaj storil, me, prosim, odreši posledic vseh preteklih grehov, da bom lahko neovirano napredoval.