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Texts 130-131

Text 130-131



yadyapi rāya — premī, mahā-bhāgavate
tāṅra mana kṛṣṇa-māyā nāre ācchādite
yadyapi rāya — premī, mahā-bhāgavate
tāṅra mana kṛṣṇa-māyā nāre ācchādite
tathāpi prabhura icchā — parama prabala
jānileha rāyera mana haila ṭalamala
tathāpi prabhura icchā — parama prabala
jānileha rāyera mana haila ṭalamala



yadyapi — although; rāya — Rāmānanda Rāya; premī — a great lover of Kṛṣṇa; mahā-bhāgavate — a topmost devotee; tāṅra — his; mana — mind; kṛṣṇa-māyā — the illusory energy of Kṛṣṇa; nāre — not able; ācchādite — to cover; tathāpi — still; prabhura icchā — the Lord’s desire; parama prabala — very intense; jānileha — even though it was known; rāyera mana — the mind of Rāmānanda Rāya; haila — there was; ṭalamala — agitation.

yadyapi — třebaže; rāya — Rāmānanda Rāya; premī — velký milovník Śrī Kṛṣṇy; mahā-bhāgavate — největší z oddaných; tāṅra — jeho; mana — mysl; kṛṣṇa-māyā — Kṛṣṇova matoucí energie; nāre — neschopná; ācchādite — zahalit; tathāpi — přesto; prabhura icchā — Pánova touha; parama prabala — velmi silná; jānileha — i když to bylo známo; rāyera mana — mysl Rāmānandy Rāye; haila — bylo; ṭalamala — zneklidnění.



Śrī Rāmānanda Rāya was a great devotee of the Lord and a lover of God, and although his mind could not be covered by Kṛṣṇa’s illusory energy, and although he could understand the mind of the Lord, which was very strong and intense, Rāmānanda’s mind became a little agitated.

Śrī Rāmānanda Rāya byl velký oddaný Pána a milovník Boha. Přestože jeho mysl nemohla zahalit Kṛṣṇova matoucí energie a přestože věděl, na co Pán tak silně a intenzivně myslí, byla jeho mysl trochu zneklidněná.



The perfect devotee always acts according to the desires of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But a materialistic man is carried away by the waves of the material energy. Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura has said, māyāra vaśe, yāccha bhese, khāccha hābuḍubu, bhāi. A person under the grip of the material energy is carried away by the waves of that illusory energy. In other words, a person in the material world is a servant of māyā. However, a person in the spiritual energy is a servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although Rāmānanda Rāya knew that nothing was unknown to Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, he nonetheless began to speak further on the subject because the Lord desired it.

Dokonalý oddaný jedná vždy podle touhy Nejvyšší Osobnosti Božství, ale materialista je unášen vlnami hmotné energie. Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura řekl: māyāra vaśe, yāccha bhese, khāccha hābuḍubu, bhāi. Člověk pevně sevřený hmotnou energií je unášen jejími vlnami. Jinými slovy, člověk v hmotném světě je služebník māyi, ale ten, kdo je v poli působnosti duchovní energie, je služebníkem Nejvyšší Osobnosti Božství. I když Rāmānanda Rāya věděl, že Śrī Caitanyovi Mahāprabhuovi není nic neznámé, začal na toto téma mluvit dále, protože si to Pán přál.