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Text 275



sei sarovare giyā,haṁsa-cakravāka hañā,
sadā tāhāṅ karaha vilāsa
khaṇḍibe sakala duḥkha,
pāibā parama sukha,
anāyāse habe premollāsa
sei sarovare giyā,haṁsa-cakravāka hañā,
sadā tāhāṅ karaha vilāsa
khaṇḍibe sakala duḥkha,
pāibā parama sukha,
anāyāse habe premollāsa



sei sarovare giyā — going to that lake where the clusters of lotus flowers exist; haṁsa-cakravāka hañā — becoming swans or cakravāka birds; sadā — always; tāhāṅ — there; karaha vilāsa — enjoy life; khaṇḍibe — will be diminished; sakala duḥkha — all material anxieties and miseries; pāibā — you will get; parama sukha — the highest happiness; anāyāse — very easily; habe — there will be; prema-ullāsa — jubilation in love of God.

sei sarovare giyā — běžte k tomuto jezeru, kde rostou trsy lotosů, a; haṁsa-cakravāka hañā — staňte se labutěmi nebo ptáky cakravāky a; sadā — neustále; tāhāṅ — tam; karaha vilāsa — užívejte si života; khaṇḍibe — budou oslabeny; sakala duḥkha — všechny druhy hmotné úzkosti a utrpení; pāibā — získáte; parama sukha — to nejvyšší štěstí; anāyāse — velmi snadno; habe — bude; prema-ullāsa — radost v lásce k Bohu.



All the devotees of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu should go to that lake and, remaining always under the shelter of the lotus feet of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, become swans and cakravāka birds in those celestial waters. They should go on rendering service to Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa and enjoy life perpetually. In this way all miseries will be diminished, the devotees will attain great happiness, and there will be jubilant love of God.

Všichni oddaní Śrī Caitanyi Mahāprabhua by měli jít k tomuto jezeru a stát se v jeho nebeských vodách labutěmi a cakravāky, již neustále setrvávají pod ochranou lotosových nohou Śrī Caitanyi Mahāprabhua. Měli by pokračovat ve službě Pánu Śrī Kṛṣṇovi a trvale si tak užívat života. Zmenší se tím veškeré jejich utrpení a budou nesmírně šťastní a radostní v lásce k Bohu.