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Text 63

Text 63



prabhu-sparśe rāja-putrera haila premāveśa
sveda, kampa, aśru, stambha, pulaka viśeṣa
prabhu-sparśe rāja-putrera haila premāveśa
sveda, kampa, aśru, stambha, pulaka viśeṣa


Palabra por palabra

prabhu-sparśe — because of being touched by the Lord; rāja-putrera — of the King’s son; haila — there was; prema-āveśa — ecstatic love; sveda — perspiration; kampa — trembling; aśru — tears; stambha — being stunned; pulaka — jubilation; viśeṣa — specifically.

prabhu-sparśe — por ser tocado por el Señor; rāja-putrera — del hijo del rey; haila — había; prema-āveśa — amor extático; sveda — transpiración; kampa — temblor; aśru — lágrimas; stambha — estar aturdido; pulaka — júbilo; viśeṣa — concretamente.



As soon as the prince was touched by Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, symptoms of ecstatic love immediately manifested themselves in his body. These symptoms included perspiration, trembling, tears, being stunned and jubilation.

En cuanto el Señor Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu tocó al príncipe, el cuerpo del muchacho manifestó signos de amor extático. Entre otros, se manifestaron los signos de transpiración, temblor, lágrimas, aturdimiento y júbilo.