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Text 51



śeṣa āra yei rahe dvādaśa vatsara
kṛṣṇera viraha-līlā prabhura antara
śeṣa āra yei rahe dvādaśa vatsara
kṛṣṇera viraha-līlā prabhura antara



śeṣa — at the end; āra — the balance; yei — whatever; rahe — remains; dvādaśa vatsara — twelve years; kṛṣṇera — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; viraha-līlā — the pastimes of separation; prabhura — the Lord; antara — within.

śeṣa — na konci; āra — zbytek; yei — jakýkoliv; rahe — zůstává; dvādaśa vatsara — dvanáct let; kṛṣṇera — Pána Kṛṣṇy; viraha-līlā — zábavy odloučení; prabhura — Pána; antara — v nitru.



The last twelve years were simply devoted to relishing the pastimes of Kṛṣṇa in separation within the heart of the Lord.

Posledních dvanáct let si Pán ve svém srdci jen vychutnával Kṛṣṇovy zábavy v odloučení.



Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu enjoyed the position of the gopīs in separation from Kṛṣṇa. When Kṛṣṇa left the gopīs and went to Mathurā, the gopīs cried for Him the rest of their lives, feeling intense separation from Him. This ecstatic feeling of separation was specifically advocated by Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu through His actual demonstrations.

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu prožíval postavení gopī v odloučení od Kṛṣṇy. Když Kṛṣṇa gopī opustil a odjel do Mathury, gopī po Něm zbytek života naříkaly se silným pocitem odloučení. Pán Caitanya Mahāprabhu svým jednáním zvláště zdůrazňoval právě tento extatický pocit odloučení.