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Text 207

Text 207



“pathe iṅha kariyāche bahuta laṅghana
kata-dina kara ihāra bhāla santarpaṇa”
“pathe iṅha kariyāche bahuta laṅghana
kata-dina kara ihāra bhāla santarpaṇa”



pathe — on the way; iṅha — this Raghunātha dāsa; kariyāche — has done; bahuta — much; laṅghana — fasting and difficult endeavor; kata-dina — for some days; kara — do; ihāra — of him; bhāla — good; santarpaṇa — attention.

pathe — na cestě; iṅha — tento Raghunātha dāsa; kariyāche — podstupoval; bahuta — velký; laṅghana — půst a nesnáze; kata-dina — několik dní; kara — čiň; ihāra — o něho; bhāla — dobrou; santarpaṇa — péči.



“On the way, Raghunātha dāsa has fasted and undergone hardships for many days. Therefore, take good care of him for some days so that he may eat to his satisfaction.”

„Raghunātha dāsa po cestě nejedl a po mnoho dní podstupoval všelijaké nesnáze. Několik dní se o něho proto dobře starej, aby se mohl do sytosti najíst.“