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Text 60



āsvādila e saba rasa sena śivānanda
vistāri’ kahiba āge esaba ānanda
āsvādila e saba rasa sena śivānanda
vistāri’ kahiba āge esaba ānanda



āsvādila — tasted; e — these; saba — all; rasa — mellows; sena śivānanda — Śivānanda Sena; vistāri’ — describing vividly; kahiba — I shall speak; āge — later on; esaba — all this; ānanda — transcendental bliss.

āsvādila — vychutnával; e — tyto; saba — všechny; rasa — nálady; sena śivānanda — Śivānanda Sena; vistāri' — obšírně; kahiba — povím; āge — později; e saba — všechnu tuto; ānanda — transcendentální blaženost.



Śrīla Śivānanda Sena experienced the three features of sākṣāt, āveśa and āvirbhāva. Later I shall vividly describe this transcendentally blissful subject.

Śrīla Śivānanda Sena osobně poznal všechny tři rysy: sākṣād, āveśa i āvirbhāva. Později o tomto transcendentálně blaženém tématu pojednám podrobně.



Śrīla Śivānanda Sena has been described by Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Mahārāja as follows: “Śivānanda Sena was a resident of Kumārahaṭṭa, which is also known as Hālisahara, and was a great devotee of the Lord. About one and a half miles from Kumārahaṭṭa is another village, known as Kāṅcaḍāpāḍā, in which there are Gaura-Gopāla Deities installed by Śivānanda Sena, who also established a temple of Kṛṣṇarāya that is still existing. Śivānanda Sena was the father of Paramānanda Sena, who was also known as Purī dāsa or Kavi-karṇapūra. Paramānanda Sena wrote in his Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā (176) that two of the gopīs of Vṛndāvana, whose former names were Vīrā and Dūtī, combined to become his father. Śrīla Śivānanda Sena guided all the devotees of Lord Caitanya who went from Bengal to Jagannātha Purī, and he personally bore all the expenses for their journey. This is described in the Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya-līlā, chapter sixteen, verses 19 through 27. Śrīla Śivānanda Sena had three sons, named Caitanya dāsa, Rāmadāsa and Paramānanda. As mentioned above, this last son later became Kavi-karṇapūra and wrote the Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā. His spiritual master was Śrīnātha Paṇḍita, who was Śivānanda Sena’s priest. Due to Vāsudeva Datta’s lavish spending, Śivānanda Sena was engaged to supervise his expenditures.”

Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Mahārāja líčí Śrílu Śivānandu Senu takto: „Śivānanda Sena byl obyvatelem Kumárhatty, známé též jako Hálisahar, a byl velkým oddaným Pána. Asi dva a půl kilometru od Kumárhatty je další vesnice, známá jako Kánčadápáda, ve které jsou Božstva Gaura-Gopāla, instalovaná Śivānandou Senou, který také založil stále existující chrám Kṛṣṇarāye. Śivānanda Sena byl otcem Paramānandy Seny, který byl také známý jako Purī dāsa nebo Kavi-karṇapūra. Paramānanda Sena ve své Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpice (176) píše, že dvě gopī z Vrindávanu, které se původně jmenovaly Vīrā a Dūtī, se spojily a staly se jeho otcem. Śrīla Śivānanda Sena vodil všechny oddané Pána Caitanyi putující z Bengálska do Džagannáth Purí a osobně platil veškeré výdaje spojené s jejich cestou. To je popsáno ve verších 19–27 šestnácté kapitoly Madhya-līly Caitanya-caritāmṛty. Śrīla Śivānanda Sena měl tři syny, a to Caitanyu dāse, Rāmadāse a Paramānandu. Jak již bylo popsáno výše, poslední z nich se později stal Kavi-karṇapūrou a napsal Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpiku. Jeho duchovním učitelem byl kněz Śivānandy Seny Śrīnātha Paṇḍita. Jelikož Vāsudeva Datta příliš utrácel, byl Śivānanda Sena pověřen dohlížením na jeho výdaje.“

Śrī Śivānanda Sena actually experienced Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s features of sākṣāt, āveśa and āvirbhāva. He once took along a dog while on his way to Jagannātha Purī, and it is described in the Antya-līlā, first chapter, that this dog later attained salvation by his association. When Śrīla Raghunātha dāsa, who later became Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī, fled his paternal home to join Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, his father wrote a letter to Śivānanda Sena to get information about him. Śivānanda Sena supplied him the details for which he asked, and later Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī’s father sent some servants and money to Śivānanda Sena to take care of Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī. Once Śrī Śivānanda Sena invited Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu to his home and fed Him so sumptuously that the Lord felt indigestion and was somewhat sick. This became known to Śivānanda Sena’s eldest son, Caitanya dāsa, who gave the Lord the kinds of food that would help His digestion, and thus Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu was very pleased. This is described in Antya-līlā, tenth chapter, verses 142 through 151.

Śrī Śivānanda Sena osobně zažil Śrī Caitanyu Mahāprabhua v podobě rysů sākṣāt, āveśa a āvirbhāva. Jednou s sebou na cestě do Džagannáth Purí přibral nějakého psa a v první kapitole Antya-līly je popsáno, že tento pes díky jeho společnosti dosáhl později osvobození. Když Śrīla Raghunātha dāsa, později známý jako Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī, utekl z domova, aby se připojil ke Śrī Caitanyovi Mahāprabhuovi, napsal jeho otec Śivānandovi Senovi dopis, aby se o svém synovi něco dozvěděl. Śivānanda Sena mu sdělil podrobnosti, na které se ptal, a otec Raghunātha dāse Gosvāmīho potom poslal Śivānandovi Senovi služebníky a peníze, aby se mohl o jeho syna postarat. Jednou Śivānanda Sena pozval Pána Caitanyu Mahāprabhua do svého domu a dal Mu tolik najíst, že to Pán nemohl strávit a bylo Mu poněkud špatně. Když se o tom dozvěděl nejstarší syn Śivānandy Seny, Caitanya dāsa, přinesl Pánovi taková jídla, která podpořila Jeho trávení, a tím Pána Caitanyu Mahāprabhua velice potěšil. To je popsáno v Antya-līle, desáté kapitole, verších 142–151.

Once while going to Jagannātha Purī, all the devotees had to stay underneath a tree, without the shelter of a house or even a shed, and Nityānanda Prabhu became very angry, as if He were greatly disturbed by hunger. Thus He cursed Śivānanda’s sons to die. Śivānanda’s wife was very much aggrieved at this, and she began to cry. She very seriously thought that since her sons had been cursed by Nityānanda Prabhu, certainly they would die. When Śivānanda later returned and saw his wife crying, he said, “Why are you crying? Let us all die if Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu desires.” When Śivānanda Sena returned and Śrīla Nityānanda Prabhu saw him, the Lord kicked him severely, complaining that He was very hungry, and asked why he had not arranged for His food. Such is the behavior of the Lord with His devotees. Śrīla Nityānanda Prabhu behaved like an ordinary hungry man, as if completely dependent on the arrangements of Śivānanda Sena.

Jednou se stalo, že na cestě do Džagannáth Purí museli všichni oddaní zůstat pod stromem, protože nebyl k dispozici žádný dům, dokonce ani přístřešek, což velice rozzlobilo Nityānandu Prabhua, jako kdyby byl nervózní z hladu, a proklel syny Śivānandy Seny, aby zemřeli. To velice zarmoutilo Śivānandovu ženu, která začala naříkat, protože si vážně myslela, že její synové kvůli tomuto prokletí Nityānandy Prabhua jistě zemřou. Když se později Śivānanda vrátil a viděl svou naříkající ženu, řekl jí: „Proč pláčeš? Ať zemřeme všichni, pokud si to Nityānanda Prabhu přeje!“ Když ho potom Nityānanda Prabhu uviděl, silně ho nakopl; stěžoval si, že má velký hlad, a ptal se, proč Mu nesehnal nic k jídlu. Tak se Pán chová ke svým oddaným. Śrīla Nityānanda Prabhu se choval jako obyčejný hladový člověk, jako kdyby zcela závisel na tom, co Śivānanda Sena zařídí.

A nephew of Śivānanda Sena’s named Śrīkānta left the company in protest of Nityānanda Prabhu’s curse and went directly to Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu at Jagannātha Purī, where the Lord pacified him. On that occasion, Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu allowed His toe to be sucked by Purī dāsa, who was then a child. It is by the order of Caitanya Mahāprabhu that he could immediately compose Sanskrit verses. During the misunderstanding with Śivānanda’s family, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu ordered His personal attendant, Govinda, to give them all the remnants of His food. This is described in Antya-līlā, chapter twelve, verse 53.

Śrīkānta, synovec Śivānandy Seny, skupinu opustil na protest proti Nityānandově kletbě a šel přímo za Śrī Caitanyou Mahāprabhuem do Džagannáth Purí, kde ho Pán uklidnil. Tehdy také Pán Caitanya Mahāprabhu dovolil, aby Mu Purī dāsa, který byl tehdy ještě dítě, cucal prst u nohy a na pokyn Caitanyi Mahāprabhua potom okamžitě dokázal složit verše v sanskrtu. Když došlo k nedorozumění s Śivānandovou rodinou, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu nařídil svému osobnímu služebníkovi Govindovi, aby jim dal všechny zbytky Jeho jídla. To je popsáno ve verši 53 dvanácté kapitoly Antya-līly.