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जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्ध्रुवं जन्म मृतस्य च ।
तस्मादपरिहार्येऽर्थे न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि ॥ २७ ॥



jātasya hi dhruvo mṛtyur
dhruvaṁ janma mṛtasya ca
tasmād aparihārye ’rthe
na tvaṁ śocitum arhasi
jātasya hi dhruvo mṛtyur
dhruvaṁ janma mṛtasya ca
tasmād aparihārye ’rthe
na tvaṁ śocitum arhasi



jātasya — of one who has taken his birth; hi — certainly; dhruvaḥ — a fact; mṛtyuḥ — death; dhruvam — it is also a fact; janma — birth; mṛtasya — of the dead; ca — also; tasmāt — therefore; aparihārye — of that which is unavoidable; arthe — in the matter; na — do not; tvam — you; śocitum — to lament; arhasi — deserve.

jātasya — ten, kto sa narodil; hi — istá; dhruvaḥ — skutočnosť; mṛtyuḥ — smrť; dhruvam — je tiež skutočnosťou; janma — narodenie; mṛtasya — zomretého; ca — tiež; tasmāt — preto; aparihārye — pre to, čomu sa nedá vyhnúť; arthe — pokiaľ ide o; na — nemal; tvam — ty; śocitum — bedákať; arhasi — je vhodné.



One who has taken his birth is sure to die, and after death one is sure to take birth again. Therefore, in the unavoidable discharge of your duty, you should not lament.

Pre toho, kto sa narodil, je smrť celkom istá a ten, kto zomrel, sa celkom iste narodí. Preto by si nemal bedákať pri plnení svojej nevyhnutnej povinnosti.



One has to take birth according to one’s activities of life. And after finishing one term of activities, one has to die to take birth for the next. In this way one is going through one cycle of birth and death after another without liberation. This cycle of birth and death does not, however, support unnecessary murder, slaughter and war. But at the same time, violence and war are inevitable factors in human society for keeping law and order.

Každý musí zomrieť a znovu sa narodiť. Naše činy v tomto živote určujú podmienky nášho budúceho života. Takto neustále pokračuje kolobeh rodenia a umierania pre toho, kto nedosiahol vyslobodenie. Tento kolobeh rodenia a umierania však neschvaľuje zbytočné vraždenie, zabíjanie zvierat a vojny, aj keď niekedy je pre udržanie zákona a poriadku v ľudskej spoločnosti nutné použiť násilie.

The Battle of Kurukṣetra, being the will of the Supreme, was an inevitable event, and to fight for the right cause is the duty of a kṣatriya. Why should he be afraid of or aggrieved at the death of his relatives since he was discharging his proper duty? He did not deserve to break the law, thereby becoming subjected to the reactions of sinful acts, of which he was so afraid. By avoiding the discharge of his proper duty, he would not be able to stop the death of his relatives, and he would be degraded due to his selection of the wrong path of action.

Vojna na Kuruovskom poli bola celkom nevyhnutná, lebo si to želal Najvyšší, a povinnosťou kṣatriyu je bojovať za spravodlivú vec. Prečo by sa teda Arjuna, ktorý si iba plnil svoju povinnosť, mal báť alebo trápiť pri pomyslení na to, že boj môže jeho príbuzným priniesť smrť? Nebolo vhodné, aby porušil zákon kṣatriyov a vystavil sa tak hrozbe, že bude potrestaný za hriešne konanie, čoho sa obával i on sám. Zanedbaním svojich povinností by aj tak nemohol zabrániť smrti svojich príbuzných, skôr by sa sám vystavil poklesnutiu, pretože by si zvolil nesprávnu cestu.