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न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचि-
न्नायं भूत्वा भविता वा न भूयः ।
अजो नित्यः शाश्वतोऽयं पुराणो
न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे ॥ २० ॥



na jāyate mriyate vā kadācin
nāyaṁ bhūtvā bhavitā vā na bhūyaḥ
ajo nityaḥ śāśvato ’yaṁ purāṇo
na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre
na jāyate mriyate vā kadācin
nāyaṁ bhūtvā bhavitā vā na bhūyaḥ
ajo nityaḥ śāśvato ’yaṁ purāṇo
na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre



na — never; jāyate — takes birth; mriyate — dies; — either; kadācit — at any time (past, present or future); na — never; ayam — this; bhūtvā — having come into being; bhavitā — will come to be; — or; na — not; bhūyaḥ — or is again coming to be; ajaḥ — unborn; nityaḥ — eternal; śāśvataḥ — permanent; ayam — this; purāṇaḥ — the oldest; na — never; hanyate — is killed; hanyamāne — being killed; śarīre — the body.

na — nikdy; jāyate — narodí sa; mriyate — umiera; — ani; kadācit — hocikedy (v minulosti, v prítomnosti alebo v budúcnosti); na — nikdy; ayam — táto; bhūtvā — vznikla; bhavitā — vznik; — alebo; na — nie; bhūyaḥ — opäť vznikla; ajaḥ — nezrodená; nityaḥ — večná; śāśvataḥ — stála; ayam — tá; purāṇaḥ — najstaršia; na — nikdy; hanyate — je zabitá; hanyamāne — byť zabité; śarīre — telo.



For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.

Duša sa nerodí, ani nikdy neumiera. Nikdy nevznikla, nikdy nevzniká a ani nikdy nevznikne. Je nezrodená, večná, trvalá a pôvodná. Nezahynie, keď je telo zabité.



Qualitatively, the small atomic fragmental part of the Supreme Spirit is one with the Supreme. He undergoes no changes like the body. Sometimes the soul is called the steady, or kūṭa-stha. The body is subject to six kinds of transformations. It takes its birth from the womb of the mother’s body, remains for some time, grows, produces some effects, gradually dwindles, and at last vanishes into oblivion. The soul, however, does not go through such changes. The soul is not born, but, because he takes on a material body, the body takes its birth. The soul does not take birth there, and the soul does not die. Anything which has birth also has death. And because the soul has no birth, he therefore has no past, present or future. He is eternal, ever-existing and primeval – that is, there is no trace in history of his coming into being. Under the impression of the body, we seek the history of birth, etc., of the soul. The soul does not at any time become old, as the body does. The so-called old man, therefore, feels himself to be in the same spirit as in his childhood or youth. The changes of the body do not affect the soul. The soul does not deteriorate like a tree, nor anything material. The soul has no by-product either. The by-products of the body, namely children, are also different individual souls; and, owing to the body, they appear as children of a particular man. The body develops because of the soul’s presence, but the soul has neither offshoots nor change. Therefore, the soul is free from the six changes of the body.

Kvalitou sa nepatrná duša ako častica Najvyššieho Ducha rovná Najvyššiemu. Duša neprechádza premenami ako telo, a preto sa niekedy nazýva stála (kūṭa-stha). Telo prechádza šiestimi rôznymi premenami: narodí sa, istý čas pretrváva, rastie, splodí potomkov, zaniká a nakoniec upadne do zabudnutia. Duša týmto zmenám nepodlieha. Duša sa nerodí; keďže však prijíma hmotné telo, narodí sa telo. Preto sa duša nezrodí ani v okamihu, keď sa tvorí telo, a nezahynie ani vo chvíli, keď telo zanikne. Všetko, čo sa raz narodilo, musí aj zomrieť; pre dušu však zrod neexistuje, a preto nemá ani minulosť, prítomnosť alebo budúcnosť. Je večná a pôvodná, čo znamená, že nie je možné zistiť počiatok jej existencie. Duša na rozdiel od tela nikdy nestarne. Preto sa takzvaný starý človek cíti vo svojom vnútri rovnako ako za mlada. Premeny tela nemajú na dušu vplyv. Duša sa nerozpadá ako strom alebo ako nejaká hmotná vec a nemá ani žiadne vedľajšie produkty. Vedľajšími produktami tela sú deti, aj to sú individuálne duše, no na základe telesného zväzku sa javia ako deti určitého človeka. Telo sa vyvíja, pretože sa v ňom nachádza duša. Duša však nemá žiadnych potomkov, nemení sa a ani neprechádza šiestimi premenami ako telo.

In the Kaṭha Upaniṣad (1.2.18) we also find a similar passage, which reads:

V Kaṭha Upaniṣade (1.2.18) je jeden podobný verš, ktorý znie:

na jāyate mriyate vā vipaścin
nāyaṁ kutaścin na babhūva kaścit
ajo nityaḥ śāśvato ’yaṁ purāṇo
na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre
na jāyate mriyate vā vipaścin
nāyaṁ kutaścin na babhūva kaścit
ajo nityaḥ śāśvato ’yaṁ purāṇo
na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre

The meaning and purport of this verse is the same as in the Bhagavad-gītā, but here in this verse there is one special word, vipaścit, which means learned or with knowledge.

Jeho zmysel je rovnaký ako v Bhagavad-gīte; v tomto verši je však použité slovo vipaścit, ktoré znamená „učený“ alebo „s poznaním“.

The soul is full of knowledge, or full always with consciousness. Therefore, consciousness is the symptom of the soul. Even if one does not find the soul within the heart, where he is situated, one can still understand the presence of the soul simply by the presence of consciousness. Sometimes we do not find the sun in the sky owing to clouds, or for some other reason, but the light of the sun is always there, and we are convinced that it is therefore daytime. As soon as there is a little light in the sky early in the morning, we can understand that the sun is in the sky. Similarly, since there is some consciousness in all bodies – whether man or animal – we can understand the presence of the soul. This consciousness of the soul is, however, different from the consciousness of the Supreme because the supreme consciousness is all-knowledge – past, present and future. The consciousness of the individual soul is prone to be forgetful. When he is forgetful of his real nature, he obtains education and enlightenment from the superior lessons of Kṛṣṇa. But Kṛṣṇa is not like the forgetful soul. If so, Kṛṣṇa’s teachings of Bhagavad-gītā would be useless.

Duša je vždy vedomá a plná poznania. Preto je vedomie príznakom duše. Aj keď nedokážeme postrehnúť dušu v srdci, kde sídli, predsa môžeme cítiť jej prítomnosť prítomnosťou vedomia. Niekedy sa stáva, že kvôli mrakom nevidíme cez deň Slnko, no slnečné svetlo tu napriek tomu je a vďaka tomu sme presvedčení, že je deň. Len čo sa ráno na obzore objavia ranné zore, vieme, že zakrátko vyjde Slnko. Podobne, keďže ľudské i zvieracie telá majú vedomie, musia v nich byť prítomné duše. Vedomie individuálnej duše sa však od vedomia Najvyššieho odlišuje, pretože najvyššie vedomie zahŕňa všetko poznanie — poznanie minulosti, prítomnosti i budúcnosti. Vedomie nepatrnej individuálnej duše má však na rozdiel od Boha sklon k zabúdaniu. Keď nepatrná individuálna duša zabudne na svoju pravú podstatu, poučí a osvieti ju Kṛṣṇa, ktorý túto slabosť nemá. Keby bol Kṛṣṇa zábudlivý ako nepatrná duša, potom by Jeho učenie Bhagavad-gīty bolo zbytočné.

There are two kinds of souls – namely the minute particle soul (aṇu-ātmā) and the Supersoul (vibhu-ātmā). This is also confirmed in the Kaṭha Upaniṣad (1.2.20) in this way:

V Kaṭha Upaniṣade (1.2.20) je dôkaz existencie dvoch druhov duší — nepatrnej individuálnej duše (aṇu-ātmā) a Nadduše (vibhu-ātmā) — takýto:

aṇor aṇīyān mahato mahīyān
ātmāsya jantor nihito guhāyām
tam akratuḥ paśyati vīta-śoko
dhātuḥ prasādān mahimānam ātmanaḥ
aṇor aṇīyān mahato mahīyān
ātmāsya jantor nihito guhāyām
tam akratuḥ paśyati vīta-śoko
dhātuḥ prasādān mahimānam ātmanaḥ

“Both the Supersoul [Paramātmā] and the atomic soul [ jīvātmā] are situated on the same tree of the body within the same heart of the living being, and only one who has become free from all material desires as well as lamentations can, by the grace of the Supreme, understand the glories of the soul.” Kṛṣṇa is the fountainhead of the Supersoul also, as it will be disclosed in the following chapters, and Arjuna is the atomic soul, forgetful of his real nature; therefore he requires to be enlightened by Kṛṣṇa, or by His bona fide representative (the spiritual master).

„Nadduša (Paramātmā) i nepatrná duša (jīvātma) sídlia v srdci živej bytosti. Iba ten, kto sa zbavil všetkých hmotných túžob a nariekania, môže vďaka milosti Najvyššieho Pána rozumieť sláve duše.“ V ďalších kapitolách bude objasnená skutočnosť, že Kṛṣṇa je zdrojom Nadduše a že Arjuna predstavuje nepatrnú dušu, ktorá zabudla na svoju pravú povahu. Preto musí byť Arjuna osvietený Kṛṣṇom, alebo Jeho pravým predstaviteľom, duchovným učiteľom.