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रजस्तमश्चाभिभूय सत्त्वं भवति भारत ।
रज: सत्त्वं तमश्चैव तम: सत्त्वं रजस्तथा ॥ १० ॥



rajas tamaś cābhibhūya
sattvaṁ bhavati bhārata
rajaḥ sattvaṁ tamaś caiva
tamaḥ sattvaṁ rajas tathā
rajas tamaś cābhibhūya
sattvaṁ bhavati bhārata
rajaḥ sattvaṁ tamaś caiva
tamaḥ sattvaṁ rajas tathā



rajaḥ — the mode of passion; tamaḥ — the mode of ignorance; ca — also; abhibhūya — surpassing; sattvam — the mode of goodness; bhavati — becomes prominent; bhārata — O son of Bharata; rajaḥ — the mode of passion; sattvam — the mode of goodness; tamaḥ — the mode of ignorance; ca — also; eva — like that; tamaḥ — the mode of ignorance; sattvam — the mode of goodness; rajaḥ — the mode of passion; tathā — thus.

rajaḥ — kire guṇa; tamaḥ — teadmatuse guṇa; ca — samuti; abhibhūya — ületades; sattvam — vooruse guṇa; bhavati — muutub valdavaks; bhārata — oo, Bharata poeg; rajaḥ — kire guṇa; sattvam — vooruse guṇa; tamaḥ — teadmatuse guṇa; ca — samuti; eva — sel moel; tamaḥ — teadmatuse guṇa; sattvam — vooruse guṇa; rajaḥ — kire guṇa; tathā — sel moel.



Sometimes the mode of goodness becomes prominent, defeating the modes of passion and ignorance, O son of Bharata. Sometimes the mode of passion defeats goodness and ignorance, and at other times ignorance defeats goodness and passion. In this way there is always competition for supremacy.

Oo, Bharata poeg, vahel võib vooruse guṇa saada valitsevaks ning alistada kire ja teadmatuse. Vahel võib aga jällegi kire guṇa alistada vooruse ja teadmatuse ning vahel alistab teadmatuse guṇa omakorda nii vooruse kui kire. Sel moel toimub guṇade vahel pidevalt võitlus ülemvõimu pärast.



When the mode of passion is prominent, the modes of goodness and ignorance are defeated. When the mode of goodness is prominent, passion and ignorance are defeated. And when the mode of ignorance is prominent, passion and goodness are defeated. This competition is always going on. Therefore, one who is actually intent on advancing in Kṛṣṇa consciousness has to transcend these three modes. The prominence of some certain mode of nature is manifested in one’s dealings, in his activities, in eating, etc. All this will be explained in later chapters. But if one wants, he can develop, by practice, the mode of goodness and thus defeat the modes of ignorance and passion. One can similarly develop the mode of passion and defeat goodness and ignorance. Or one can develop the mode of ignorance and defeat goodness and passion. Although there are these three modes of material nature, if one is determined he can be blessed by the mode of goodness, and by transcending the mode of goodness he can be situated in pure goodness, which is called the vasudeva state, a state in which one can understand the science of God. By the manifestation of particular activities, it can be understood in what mode of nature one is situated.

Kui kire guṇa on valitsev, alistab see vooruse ja teadmatuse guṇad. Kui valitsevaks on vooruse guṇa, on alistatuteks kirg ja teadmatus. Ning kui valitsevaks saab teadmatuse guṇa, alistab see vooruse ja kire. Selline võitlus ülemvõimu pärast toimub pidevalt. Seepärast peab see, kes tõepoolest soovib Kṛṣṇa teadvuses edasi areneda, tõusma kõrgemale kõigist kolmest guṇast. Ühe teatud guṇa ülemvõim ilmneb inimese käitumises, ettevõtmistes, toitumisharjumustes jne. Kõike seda selgitatakse järgnevates peatükkides. Kui inimene tahab, võib ta aga kindla praktika abil arendada endas vooruse guṇat, ning alistada seeläbi teadmatuse ja kire. Samuti on tal võimalik arendada kire guṇat ja alistada voorus ning teadmatus, või arendada teadmatuse guṇat ja alistada voorus ning kirg. Ehkki materiaalses looduses eksisteerivad need kolm erinevat guṇat, võib inimene sihikindluse korral saada õnnistuse tõusta vooruse guṇasse, ning tõustes kõrgemale ka vooruse guṇast, võib ta jõuda puhta vooruseni, mida nimetatakse vasudeva tasandiks. Sellele tasandile jõudes võib inimene mõista teadust Jumalast. Iga inimese tegudest on selgelt näha, milline looduse guṇa tema üle ülemvõimu omab.