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यथा प्रकाशयत्येक: कृत्स्‍नं लोकमिमं रवि: ।
क्षेत्रं क्षेत्री तथा कृत्स्‍नं प्रकाशयति भारत ॥ ३४ ॥



yathā prakāśayaty ekaḥ
kṛtsnaṁ lokam imaṁ raviḥ
kṣetraṁ kṣetrī tathā kṛtsnaṁ
prakāśayati bhārata
yathā prakāśayaty ekaḥ
kṛtsnaṁ lokam imaṁ raviḥ
kṣetraṁ kṣetrī tathā kṛtsnaṁ
prakāśayati bhārata



yathā — as; prakāśayati — illuminates; ekaḥ — one; kṛtsnam — the whole; lokam — universe; imam — this; raviḥ — sun; kṣetram — this body; kṣetrī — the soul; tathā — similarly; kṛtsnam — all; prakāśayati — illuminates; bhārata — O son of Bharata.

yathā — ako; prakāśayati — osvetľuje; ekaḥ — jeden; kṛtsnam — celý; lokam — vesmír; imam — toto; raviḥ — Slnko; kṣetram — toto telo; kṣetrī — duša; tathā — práve tak; kṛtsnam — celý; prakāśayati — osvetľuje; bhārata — ó, potomok Bharatov.



O son of Bharata, as the sun alone illuminates all this universe, so does the living entity, one within the body, illuminate the entire body by consciousness.

Ó, potomok Bharatov, tak ako jediné Slnko osvetľuje celý vesmír, tak živá bytosť osvetľuje vedomím celé telo.



There are various theories regarding consciousness. Here in Bhagavad-gītā the example of the sun and the sunshine is given. As the sun is situated in one place but is illuminating the whole universe, so a small particle of spirit soul, although situated in the heart of this body, is illuminating the whole body by consciousness. Thus consciousness is the proof of the presence of the soul, as sunshine or light is the proof of the presence of the sun. When the soul is present in the body, there is consciousness all over the body, and as soon as the soul has passed from the body there is no more consciousness. This can be easily understood by any intelligent man. Therefore consciousness is not a product of the combinations of matter. It is the symptom of the living entity. The consciousness of the living entity, although qualitatively one with the supreme consciousness, is not supreme, because the consciousness of one particular body does not share that of another body. But the Supersoul, which is situated in all bodies as the friend of the individual soul, is conscious of all bodies. That is the difference between supreme consciousness and individual consciousness.

Sú rôzne teórie týkajúce sa vedomia. V Bhagavad-gīte je použitý príklad so Slnkom a slnečným svetlom. Aj keď je Slnko situované na jednom mieste, osvetľuje celý vesmír. Podobne maličká duša sídliaca v srdci osvetľuje vedomím celé telo. Vedomie je preto dôkazom prítomnosti duše, tak ako slnečná žiara a svetlo sú dôkazom prítomnosti Slnka. Ak je duša prítomná v tele, je vedomie rozšírené po celom tele, no ako náhle ho opustí, opustí ho aj vedomie. To môže ľahko pochopiť každý inteligentný človek. Vedomie nie je produktom hmoty, ale známkou existencie živej bytosti. Hoci je vedomie živej bytosti kvalitatívne totožné s najvyšším vedomím, nie je najvyššie, pretože sa nevzťahuje na iné telá. No Nadduša sídliaca v srdci všetkých tiel ako priateľ individuálnej duše, si je vedomá všetkých tiel. To je rozdiel medzi zvrchovaným a individuálnym vedomím.