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अर्जुन उवाच
स्थाने हृषीकेश तव प्रकीर्त्या
जगत्प्रहृष्यत्यनुरज्यते च ।
रक्षांसि भीतानि दिशो द्रवन्ति
सर्वे नमस्यन्ति च सिद्धसङ्घा: ॥ ३६ ॥



arjuna uvāca
sthāne hṛṣīkeśa tava prakīrtyā
jagat prahṛṣyaty anurajyate ca
rakṣāṁsi bhītāni diśo dravanti
sarve namasyanti ca siddha-saṅghāḥ
arjuna uvāca
sthāne hṛṣīkeśa tava prakīrtyā
jagat prahṛṣyaty anurajyate ca
rakṣāṁsi bhītāni diśo dravanti
sarve namasyanti ca siddha-saṅghāḥ



arjunaḥ uvāca — Arjuna said; sthāne — rightly; hṛṣīka-īśa — O master of all senses; tava — Your; prakīrtyā — by the glories; jagat — the entire world; prahṛṣyati — is rejoicing; anurajyate — is becoming attached; ca — and; rakṣāṁsi — the demons; bhītāni — out of fear; diśaḥ — in all directions; dravanti — are fleeing; sarve — all; namasyanti — are offering respects; ca — also; siddha-saṅghāḥ — the perfect human beings.

arjunaḥ uvāca — Arjuna riekol; sthāne — správne; hṛṣīka-īśa — ó, Pane všetkých zmyslov; tava — Tvoja; prakīrtyā — sláva; jagat — celý svet; prahṛṣyati — teší sa; anurajyate — priťahuje ich; ca — a; rakṣāṁsi — démoni; bhītāni — zo strachu; diśaḥ — smery; dravanti — utekajú; sarve — všetky; namasyanti — preukazujú úctu; ca — a; siddha-saṅghāḥ — dokonalé bytosti.



Arjuna said: O master of the senses, the world becomes joyful upon hearing Your name, and thus everyone becomes attached to You. Although the perfected beings offer You their respectful homage, the demons are afraid, and they flee here and there. All this is rightly done.

Arjuna riekol: „Ó, Pane všetkých zmyslov, svet sa naplní radosťou, keď začuje Tvoje meno, a všetci sú k Tebe priťahovaní. Dokonalé bytosti Ti prejavujú úctu, zatiaľ čo démoni sa zo strachu pred Tebou rozpŕchnu na všetky strany. Všetko je, ako má byť.



Arjuna, after hearing from Kṛṣṇa about the outcome of the Battle of Kurukṣetra, became enlightened, and as a great devotee and friend of the Supreme Personality of Godhead he said that everything done by Kṛṣṇa is quite fit. Arjuna confirmed that Kṛṣṇa is the maintainer and the object of worship for the devotees and the destroyer of the undesirables. His actions are equally good for all. Arjuna understood herein that when the Battle of Kurukṣetra was being concluded, in outer space there were present many demigods, siddhas, and the intelligentsia of the higher planets, and they were observing the fight because Kṛṣṇa was present there. When Arjuna saw the universal form of the Lord, the demigods took pleasure in it, but others, who were demons and atheists, could not stand it when the Lord was praised. Out of their natural fear of the devastating form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they fled. Kṛṣṇa’s treatment of the devotees and the atheists is praised by Arjuna. In all cases a devotee glorifies the Lord because he knows that whatever He does is good for all.

Arjuna sa stal osvieteným človekom, keď mu Kṛṣṇa prezradil, ako sa boj na Kuruovskom poli skončí, a ako veľký oddaný a priateľ Najvyššej Božskej Osobnosti uznal, že všetky Kṛṣṇove činnosti sú dokonalé. Arjuna potvrdil, že Kṛṣṇa je udržovateľom a predmetom uctievania oddaných, a že je ničiteľom všetkého nežiadúceho. Jeho činy prinášajú dobro všetkým. Arjuna pochopil, že bitka na Kurukṣetre sa udiala pred zrakom mnohých polobohov, siddhov a iných inteligentných bytostí z vyšších planét, pretože sa jej osobne zúčastnil Kṛṣṇa. Keď Arjuna pozoroval Kṛṣṇovu vesmírnu podobu, polobohovia sa z nej radovali, zatiaľ čo démoni a ateisti nemohli velebenie Pána strpieť. Rozpŕchli sa na všetky strany, pretože mali prirodzený strach z Kṛṣṇovej pustošivej podoby. Arjuna velebil spôsob, akým Kṛṣṇa jedná so Svojimi oddanými a s ateistami. Oddaní velebia Pána za každých okolností, pretože vedia, že čokoľvek Boh vykoná, je pre dobro všetkých.