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अयनेषु च सर्वेषु यथाभागवमस्थिताः ।
भीष्ममेवाभिरक्षन्तु भवन्तः सर्व एव हि ॥ ११ ॥



ayaneṣu ca sarveṣu
yathā-bhāgam avasthitāḥ
bhīṣmam evābhirakṣantu
bhavantaḥ sarva eva hi
ayaneṣu ca sarveṣu
yathā-bhāgam avasthitāḥ
bhīṣmam evābhirakṣantu
bhavantaḥ sarva eva hi



ayaneṣu — in the strategic points; ca — also; sarveṣu — everywhere; yathā-bhāgam — as differently arranged; avasthitāḥ — situated; bhīṣmam — unto Grandfather Bhīṣma; eva — certainly; abhirakṣantu — should give support; bhavantaḥ — you; sarve — all respectively; eva hi — certainly.

ayaneṣu — na strategických miestach; ca — tiež; sarveṣu — všade; yathā-bhāgam — rozmiestnení; avasthitāḥ — stojac; bhīṣmam — praotca Bhīṣmu; eva — istotne; abhirakṣantu — mali by ste podporiť; bhavantaḥ — vy; sarve — všetci; eva hi — istotne.



All of you must now give full support to Grandfather Bhīṣma, as you stand at your respective strategic points of entrance into the phalanx of the army.

Teraz, keď tu takto stojíte rozostavení na svojich príslušných strategických miestach, musíte praotca Bhīṣmu podporiť zo všetkých síl.



Duryodhana, after praising the prowess of Bhīṣma, further considered that others might think that they had been considered less important, so in his usual diplomatic way, he tried to adjust the situation in the above words. He emphasized that Bhīṣmadeva was undoubtedly the greatest hero, but he was an old man, so everyone must especially think of his protection from all sides. He might become engaged in the fight, and the enemy might take advantage of his full engagement on one side. Therefore, it was important that other heroes not leave their strategic positions and allow the enemy to break the phalanx. Duryodhana clearly felt that the victory of the Kurus depended on the presence of Bhīṣmadeva. He was confident of the full support of Bhīṣmadeva and Droṇācārya in the battle because he well knew that they did not even speak a word when Arjuna’s wife Draupadī, in her helpless condition, had appealed to them for justice while she was being forced to appear naked in the presence of all the great generals in the assembly. Although he knew that the two generals had some sort of affection for the Pāṇḍavas, he hoped that these generals would now completely give it up, as they had done during the gambling performances.

Keď Duryodhana pochválil Bhīṣmovu vojenskú zručnosť, zišlo mu na um, že ostatní by sa mohli cítiť ukrivdene. Preto sa diplomaticky snažil napraviť dojem vyššie uvedenými slovami. Duryodhana podotkol, že Bhīṣmadeva je nepochybne najväčším hrdinom, ale je už starý, a preto ho musia všetci zo všetkých strán chrániť. Mohlo by sa stať, že sa bude plne sústrediť na boj z jednej strany a nepriatelia využijú situáciu a napadnú ho z druhej. Bolo teda potrebné, aby ostatní hrdinovia neopustili svoje strategické pozície a neumožnili tak nepriateľovi prelomiť ich rady. Duryodhana cítil, že víťazstvo bratov Kuruovcov závisí na Bhīṣmadevovej prítomnosti. Bol presvedčený, že Bhīṣmadeva a Droṇācārya ho v boji plne podporia, lebo dobre vedel, že ani slovom neprotestovali, keď chcel v ich prítomnosti na zhromaždení veľkých generálov vyzliecť Arjunovu ženu Draupadī donaha. Aj keď Duryodhana vedel, že obidvaja generáli prechovávajú voči bratom Pāṇḍuovcom istú náklonosť, dúfal, že teraz sa jej celkom zbavili (na čo, pravda, zabúdali pri hazardných hrách).