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apāne juhvati prāṇaṁ
prāṇe ’pānaṁ tathāpare
prāṇāpāna-gatī ruddhvā
apare niyatāhārāḥ
prāṇān prāṇeṣu juhvati
apāne juhvati prāṇaṁ
prāṇe ’pānaṁ tathāpare
prāṇāpāna-gatī ruddhvā
apare niyatāhārāḥ
prāṇān prāṇeṣu juhvati



apāne — i den nedadgående luft; juhvati — ofrer; prāṇam — den udadgående luft; prāṇe — i den udadgående luft; apānam — den nedadgående luft; tathā — ligesom også; apare — andre; prāṇa — af den udadgående luft; apāna — og den nedadgående luft; gatī — bevægelsen; ruddhvā — idet de bremser; prāṇa-āyāma — trance fremkaldt ved at indstille al vejrtrækning; parāyaṇāḥ — således tilbøjelig; apare — andre; niyata — efter at have behersket; āhārāḥ — fødeindtagelse; prāṇān — den udadgående luft; prāṇeṣu — i den udadgående luft; juhvati — ofrer.

apāne — in the air which acts downward; juhvati — offer; prāṇam — the air which acts outward; prāṇe — in the air going outward; apānam — the air going downward; tathā — as also; apare — others; prāṇa — of the air going outward; apāna — and the air going downward; gatī — the movement; ruddhvā — checking; prāṇa-āyāma — trance induced by stopping all breathing; parāyaṇāḥ — so inclined; apare — others; niyata — having controlled; āhārāḥ — eating; prāṇān — the outgoing air; prāṇeṣu — in the outgoing air; juhvati — sacrifice.



Andre, der er tiltrukket til at beherske åndedrættet for at kunne forblive i trance, praktiserer ved at ofre det udadgående åndedræts bevægelse i det indadgående og det indadgående åndedræt i det udadgående for endelig til sidst at forblive i trance og ophøre med al vejrtrækning. Andre indskrænker deres indtagelse af føde og frembærer det udadgående åndedræt tilbage i sig selv som et offer.

Still others, who are inclined to the process of breath restraint to remain in trance, practice by offering the movement of the outgoing breath into the incoming, and the incoming breath into the outgoing, and thus at last remain in trance, stopping all breathing. Others, curtailing the eating process, offer the outgoing breath into itself as a sacrifice.



FORKLARING: Dette yoga-system, hvor man skal beherske åndedrættet, kaldes prāṇāyāma, og i begyndelsen praktiseres det i haṭha-yogaens system gennem forskellige siddestillinger. Alle disse metoder anbefales for at beherske sanserne og gøre fremskridt i åndelig erkendelse. Denne praksis (prāṇāyāma) involverer beherskelse af livsluftene inde i kroppen for at få dem til at løbe i modsat retning. Apāna-luften går nedad, og prāṇa-luften går opad. Prāṇāyāma-yogīen øver sig i at ånde den modsatte vej, indtil strømmene neutraliseres i pūraka eller ligevægt. At ofre det udadgående åndedræt i det indadgående kaldes recaka. Når begge luftstrømme stopper helt, siges man at befinde sig i kumbhaka-yoga. Ved at udøve kumbhaka-yoga kan man forøge sin livslængde, så man kan blive fuldendt i åndelig erkendelse. Den intelligente yogī er interesseret i at opnå perfektion i løbet af ét liv uden at skulle vente til det næste. Ved at praktisere kumbhaka-yoga forlænger yogīen sin livslængde med mange, mange år. En Kṛṣṇa-bevidst person, der altid er situeret i Herrens transcendentale kærlighedstjeneste, bliver imidlertid automatisk herre over sine sanser. Hans sanser er altid engageret i Kṛṣṇas tjeneste og har som sådan ingen mulighed for anden beskæftigelse. Ved livets slutning bliver han derfor helt naturligt overført til Herren Kṛṣṇas transcendentale plan. Følgelig gør han intet forsøg på at forlænge sit liv. Som der står i Bhagavad-gītā (14.26), bliver han øjeblikkeligt ophøjet til befrielsens plan:

This system of yoga for controlling the breathing process is called prāṇāyāma, and in the beginning it is practiced in the haṭha-yoga system through different sitting postures. All of these processes are recommended for controlling the senses and for advancement in spiritual realization. This practice involves controlling the airs within the body so as to reverse the directions of their passage. The apāna air goes downward, and the prāṇa air goes up. The prāṇāyāma-yogī practices breathing the opposite way until the currents are neutralized into pūraka, equilibrium. Offering the exhaled breath into the inhaled breath is called recaka. When both air currents are completely stopped, one is said to be in kumbhaka-yoga. By practice of kumbhaka-yoga, one can increase the duration of life for perfection in spiritual realization. The intelligent yogī is interested in attaining perfection in one life, without waiting for the next. For by practicing kumbhaka-yoga, the yogīs increase the duration of life by many, many years. A Kṛṣṇa conscious person, however, being always situated in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, automatically becomes the controller of the senses. His senses, being always engaged in the service of Kṛṣṇa, have no chance of becoming otherwise engaged. So at the end of life, he is naturally transferred to the transcendental plane of Lord Kṛṣṇa; consequently he makes no attempt to increase his longevity. He is at once raised to the platform of liberation, as stated in Bhagavad-gītā (14.26):

māṁ ca yo ’vyabhicāreṇa
bhakti-yogena sevate
sa guṇān samatītyaitān
brahma-bhūyāya kalpate
māṁ ca yo ’vyabhicāreṇa
bhakti-yogena sevate
sa guṇān samatītyaitān
brahma-bhūyāya kalpate

“Den, der engagerer sig i ren hengiven tjeneste til Herren, sætter sig ud over den materielle naturs kvaliteter og bliver omgående ophøjet til det åndelige plan.” En Kṛṣṇa-bevidst person begynder fra det transcendentale niveau, og han er konstant i denne bevidsthed. Han falder derfor ikke ned, og til sidst kommer han direkte til Herrens bolig. Indskrænkelse af fødeindtagelse finder automatisk sted, når man kun spiser kṛṣṇa-prasāda eller mad, der først er ofret til Herren. At indskrænke sin indtagelse af føde er meget nyttigt, hvis man skal beherske sanserne, og uden at beherske sanserne er det umuligt at slippe ud af den materielle forvikling.

“One who engages in unalloyed devotional service to the Lord transcends the modes of material nature and is immediately elevated to the spiritual platform.” A Kṛṣṇa conscious person begins from the transcendental stage, and he is constantly in that consciousness. Therefore, there is no falling down, and ultimately he enters into the abode of the Lord without delay. The practice of reduced eating is automatically done when one eats only kṛṣṇa-prasādam, or food which is offered first to the Lord. Reducing the eating process is very helpful in the matter of sense control. And without sense control there is no possibility of getting out of the material entanglement.