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karmaṇo hy api boddhavyaṁ
boddhavyaṁ ca vikarmaṇaḥ
akarmaṇaś ca boddhavyaṁ
gahanā karmaṇo gatiḥ
karmaṇo hy api boddhavyaṁ
boddhavyaṁ ca vikarmaṇaḥ
akarmaṇaś ca boddhavyaṁ
gahanā karmaṇo gatiḥ



karmaṇaḥ — af handling; hi — afgjort; api — også; boddhavyam — bør forstås; boddhavyam — bør forstås; ca — også; vikarmaṇaḥ — af forbudt handling; akarmaṇaḥ — af inaktivitet; ca — også; boddhavyam — bør forstås; gahanā — meget svær (at forstå); karmaṇaḥ — i handling; gatiḥ — indføringen.

karmaṇaḥ — of work; hi — certainly; api — also; boddhavyam — should be understood; boddhavyam — should be understood; ca — also; vikarmaṇaḥ — of forbidden work; akarmaṇaḥ — of inaction; ca — also; boddhavyam — should be understood; gahanā — very difficult; karmaṇaḥ — of work; gatiḥ — entrance.



Det er meget svært at forstå de indviklede detaljer omkring handling. Derfor bør man til fulde forstå, hvad handling er, hvad forbudt handling er, og hvad uvirksomhed er.

The intricacies of action are very hard to understand. Therefore one should know properly what action is, what forbidden action is and what inaction is.



FORKLARING: Hvis man er seriøs med hensyn til at blive befriet fra det materielle fangenskab, må man forstå, hvad forskellen er på handling, uvirksomhed og uautoriserede handlinger. Man bliver nødt til at gå i dybden med en sådan analyse af handling, reaktion og forkert handling, for det er et meget omfattende emne. For at forstå Kṛṣṇa-bevidsthed og handling ifølge naturen af Kṛṣṇa-bevidsthed må man lære sit forhold til den Højeste at kende. Med andre ord ved den, der har lært dette til fuldkommenhed, at hvert eneste levende væsen er Herrens evige tjener, og man bliver derfor nødt til at handle i Kṛṣṇa-bevidsthed. Hele Bhagavad- gītā er rettet mod denne konklusion. Alle andre konklusioner, der går imod denne bevidsthed og dens medfølgende handlinger, er vikarma eller forbudte handlinger. For at forstå alt dette må man være forbundet med autoriteter i Kṛṣṇa-bevidsthed og lære hemmeligheden fra dem. Det er lige så godt som at lære direkte fra Herren. Ellers vil selv de mest intelligente personer blive forvirret.

If one is serious about liberation from material bondage, one has to understand the distinctions between action, inaction and unauthorized actions. One has to apply oneself to such an analysis of action, reaction and perverted actions because it is a very difficult subject matter. To understand Kṛṣṇa consciousness and action according to its modes, one has to learn one’s relationship with the Supreme; i.e., one who has learned perfectly knows that every living entity is an eternal servitor of the Lord and that consequently one has to act in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. The entire Bhagavad-gītā is directed toward this conclusion. Any other conclusions against this consciousness and its attendant actions are vikarmas, or prohibited actions. To understand all this one has to associate with authorities in Kṛṣṇa consciousness and learn the secret from them; this is as good as learning from the Lord directly. Otherwise, even the most intelligent persons will be bewildered.