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Sloka 1

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śrī-śuka uvāca
nābhāgo nabhagāpatyaṁ
yaṁ tataṁ bhrātaraḥ kavim
yaviṣṭhaṁ vyabhajan dāyaṁ
brahmacāriṇam āgatam
śrī-śuka uvāca
nābhāgo nabhagāpatyaṁ
yaṁ tataṁ bhrātaraḥ kavim
yaviṣṭhaṁ vyabhajan dāyaṁ
brahmacāriṇam āgatam



śrī-śukaḥ uvāca — Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī řekl; nābhāgaḥ — Nābhāga; nabhaga-apatyam — byl synem Mahārāje Nabhagy; yam — jemuž; tatam — otce; bhrātaraḥ — starší bratři; kavim — učený; yaviṣṭham — nejmladší; vyabhajan — rozdělili; dāyam — majetek; brahmacāriṇam — rozhodnutý pro život brahmacārīho natrvalo (naiṣṭhika); āgatam — vrátil se.

śrī-śukaḥ uvāca — Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said; nābhāgaḥ — Nābhāga; nabhaga-apatyam — was the son of Mahārāja Nabhaga; yam — unto whom; tatam — the father; bhrātaraḥ — the elder brothers; kavim — the learned; yaviṣṭham — the youngest; vyabhajan — divided; dāyam — the property; brahmacāriṇam — having accepted the life of a brahmacārī perpetually (naiṣṭhika); āgatam — returned.



Śukadeva Gosvāmī řekl: Syn Nabhagy, který se jmenoval Nābhāga, žil dlouho u svého duchovního učitele. Jeho bratři si proto mysleli, že se nechce stát gṛhasthou a už se nevrátí — rozdělili si tedy majetek svého otce mezi sebe a Nābhāgovi žádný podíl nenechali. Když se vrátil od duchovního učitele, dali mu jako podíl svého otce.

Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: The son of Nabhaga named Nābhāga lived for a long time at the place of his spiritual master. Therefore, his brothers thought that he was not going to become a gṛhastha and would not return. Consequently, without providing a share for him, they divided the property of their father among themselves. When Nābhāga returned from the place of his spiritual master, they gave him their father as his share.



Existují dva druhy brahmacārīnů — jeden se vrátí domů, ožení se a žije jako hospodář, zatímco druhý, zvaný bṛhad-vrata, slibuje zůstat brahmacārīnem natrvalo. Ten se od duchovního učitele nevrací; zůstává s ním a později rovnou přijme sannyās. Nābhāga se od duchovního mistra dlouho nevracel, a proto si jeho bratři mysleli, že se rozhodl pro stav bṛhadvrata-brahmacarya. Nenechali mu tedy jeho podíl, a když se znenadání vrátil, dali mu jako podíl svého otce.

There are two kinds of brahmacārīs. One may return home, marry and become a householder, whereas the other, known as bṛhad-vrata, takes a vow to remain a brahmacārī perpetually. The bṛhad-vrata brahmacārī does not return from the place of the spiritual master; he stays there, and later he directly takes sannyāsa. Because Nābhāga did not return from the place of his spiritual master, his brothers thought that he had taken bṛhadvrata-brahmacarya. Therefore, they did not preserve his share, and when he returned they gave him their father as his share.