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Dynastie potomků Purūravy

The Dynasties of the Sons of Purūravā

Āyu, nejstarší syn Purūravy, měl pět synů. Tato kapitola popisuje dynastie čtyř z nich, počínaje Kṣatravṛddhou.

Āyu, the eldest son of Purūravā, had five sons. This chapter describes the dynasties of four of them, beginning with Kṣatravṛddha.

Pěti syny Purūravova syna Āyua byli Nahuṣa, Kṣatravṛddha, Rajī, Rābha a Anenā. Synem Kṣatravṛddhy se stal Suhotra, který měl tři syny jménem Kāśya, Kuśa a Gṛtsamada. Synem Gṛtsamady byl Śunaka a jeho synem byl Śaunaka. Kāśya měl syna Kāśiho a jeho potomky byli Rāṣṭra, Dīrghatama a poté Dhanvantari, jenž zavedl lékařskou vědu a byl inkarnací Nejvyšší Osobnosti Božství, Vāsudevy, kategorie śaktyā-veśa. Potomky Dhanvantariho byli Ketumān, Bhīmaratha, Divodāsa a Dyumān, nazývaný rovněž Pratardana, Śatrujit, Vatsa, Ṛtadhvaja a Kuvalayāśva. Dyumānovi se narodil Alarka, který vládl svému království po mnoho let. V jeho dynastii následovali Santati, Sunītha, Niketana, Dharmaketu, Satyaketu, Dhṛṣṭaketu, Sukumāra, Vītihotra, Bharga a Bhārgabhūmi. Ti všichni patřili k rodu Kāśiho, potomka Kṣatravṛddhy.

Āyu, the son of Purūravā, had five sons — Nahuṣa, Kṣatravṛddha, Rajī, Rābha and Anenā. The son of Kṣatravṛddha was Suhotra, who had three sons, named Kāśya, Kuśa and Gṛtsamada. The son of Gṛtsamada was Śunaka, and his son was Śaunaka. The son of Kāśya was Kāśi. From Kāśi came the sons and grandsons known as Rāṣṭra, Dīrghatama and then Dhanvantari, who was the inaugurator of medical science and was a śaktyāveśa incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vāsudeva. The descendants of Dhanvantari were Ketumān, Bhīmaratha, Divodāsa and Dyumān, who was also known as Pratardana, Śatrujit, Vatsa, Ṛtadhvaja and Kuvalayāśva. The son of Dyumān was Alarka, who reigned over the kingdom for many, many years. Following in the dynasty of Alarka were Santati, Sunītha, Niketana, Dharmaketu, Satyaketu, Dhṛṣṭaketu, Sukumāra, Vītihotra, Bharga and Bhārgabhūmi. All of them belonged to the dynasty of Kāśi, the descendant of Kṣatravṛddha.

Synem Rābhy se stal Rabhasa a jeho synem byl Gambhīra. Gambhīrovi se narodil Akriya a Akriyovi Brahmavit. Anenā měl syna jménem Śuddha a jeho synem byl Śuci. Synem Śuciho byl Citrakṛt, jehož syn se jmenoval Śāntaraja. Rajī měl pět set synů a všichni oplývali neobyčejnou silou. Rajī sám byl nesmírně mocný a Pán Indra mu věnoval nebeské království. Později, po Rajīho smrti, když jeho synové odmítli vrátit království Indrovi, zákrokem Bṛhaspatiho pozbyli inteligence a Pán Indra je porazil.

The son of Rābha was Rabhasa, and his son was Gambhīra. Gambhīra’s son was Akriya, and from Akriya came Brahmavit. The son of Anenā was Śuddha, and his son was Śuci. The son of Śuci was Citrakṛt, whose son was Śāntaraja. Rajī had five hundred sons, all of extraordinary strength. Rajī was personally very powerful and was given the kingdom of heaven by Lord Indra. Later, after Rajī’s death, when the sons of Rajī refused to return the kingdom to Indra, by Bṛhaspati’s arrangement they became unintelligent, and Lord Indra conquered them.

Vnuku Kṣatravṛddhy zvanému Kuśa se narodil syn jménem Prati. Pratiho synem byl Sañjaya, Sañjayovým Jaya, Jayovým Kṛta a Kṛtovým Haryabala. Synem Haryabaly byl Sahadeva, synem Sahadevy Hīna, synem Hīny Jayasena, synem Jayaseny Saṅkṛti a jeho synem Jaya.

The grandson of Kṣatravṛddha named Kuśa gave birth to a son named Prati. From Prati came Sañjaya; from Sañjaya, Jaya; from Jaya, Kṛta; and from Kṛta, Haryabala. The son of Haryabala was Sahadeva; the son of Sahadeva, Hīna; the son of Hīna, Jayasena; the son of Jayasena, Saṅkṛti; and the son of Saṅkṛti, Jaya.

Sloka 1-3:
Śukadeva Gosvāmī pravil: Purūravā měl syna, který se jmenoval Āyu. Jeho mocnými syny byli Nahuṣa, Kṣatravṛddha, Rajī, Rābha a Anenā. Nyní slyš o Kṣatravṛddhově dynastii, ó Mahārāji Parīkṣite. Synem Kṣatravṛddhy byl Suhotra a jeho tři synové se jmenovali Kāśya, Kuśa a Gṛtsamada. Gṛtsamadovým synem byl Śunaka, jemuž se narodil velký světec Śaunaka, nejlepší ze znalců Ṛg Vedy.
Texts 1-3:
Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: From Purūravā came a son named Āyu, whose very powerful sons were Nahuṣa, Kṣatravṛddha, Rajī, Rābha and Anenā. O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, now hear about the dynasty of Kṣatravṛddha. Kṣatravṛddha’s son was Suhotra, who had three sons, named Kāśya, Kuśa and Gṛtsamada. From Gṛtsamada came Śunaka, and from him came Śaunaka, the great saint, the best of those conversant with the Ṛg Veda.
Sloka 4:
Kāśyův syn se jmenoval Kāśi a jeho synem byl Rāṣṭra, Dīrghatamův otec. Dīrghatama měl syna zvaného Dhanvantari, který zavedl lékařskou vědu a byl inkarnací Pána Vāsudevy, příjemce výsledků obětí. Ten, kdo vzpomíná na Dhanvantariho jméno, může být vyléčen ze všech nemocí.
Text 4:
The son of Kāśya was Kāśi, and his son was Rāṣṭra, the father of Dīrghatama. Dīrghatama had a son named Dhanvantari, who was the inaugurator of the medical science and an incarnation of Lord Vāsudeva, the enjoyer of the results of sacrifices. One who remembers the name of Dhanvantari can be released from all disease.
Sloka 5:
Synem Dhanvantariho byl Ketumān a jeho synem Bhīmaratha. Syn Bhīmarathy se jmenoval Divodāsa a jeho synem byl Dyumān, rovněž zvaný Pratardana.
Text 5:
The son of Dhanvantari was Ketumān, and his son was Bhīmaratha. The son of Bhīmaratha was Divodāsa, and the son of Divodāsa was Dyumān, also known as Pratardana.
Sloka 6:
Dyumān byl též známý jako Śatrujit, Vatsa, Ṛtadhvaja a Kuvalayāśva. Narodil se mu Alarka a další synové.
Text 6:
Dyumān was also known as Śatrujit, Vatsa, Ṛtadhvaja and Kuvalayāśva. From him were born Alarka and other sons.
Sloka 7:
Alarka, Dyumānův syn, vládl Zemi šedesát šest tisíc let, můj milý králi Parīkṣite. Kromě něho nikdo jiný nevládl jako mladý muž tomuto světu tak dlouho.
Text 7:
Alarka, the son of Dyumān, reigned over the earth for sixty-six thousand years, my dear King Parīkṣit. No one other than him has reigned over the earth for so long as a young man.
Sloka 8:
Alarkovým synem byl Santati a jeho synem byl Sunītha. Synem Sunīthy byl Niketana, jeho synem byl Dharmaketu, a ten měl syna Satyaketua.
Text 8:
From Alarka came a son named Santati, and his son was Sunītha. The son of Sunītha was Niketana, the son of Niketana was Dharmaketu, and the son of Dharmaketu was Satyaketu.
Sloka 9:
Ó králi Parīkṣite, Satyaketu přivedl na svět syna jménem Dhṛṣṭaketu, a tomu se narodil Sukumāra, panovník celého světa. Sukumārův syn se jmenoval Vītihotra, jeho synem byl Bharga a Bhargovi se narodil Bhārgabhūmi.
Text 9:
O King Parīkṣit, from Satyaketu came a son named Dhṛṣṭaketu, and from Dhṛṣṭaketu came Sukumāra, the emperor of the entire world. From Sukumāra came a son named Vītihotra; from Vītihotra, Bharga; and from Bharga, Bhārgabhūmi.
Sloka 10:
Všichni tito králové byli potomky Kāśiho, ó Mahārāji Parīkṣite, a rovněž je lze nazvat potomky Kṣatravṛddhy. Synem Rābhy se stal Rabhasa, synem Rabhasy Gambhīra, a tomu se narodil syn jménem Akriya.
Text 10:
O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, all of these kings were descendants of Kāśi, and they could also be called descendants of Kṣatravṛddha. The son of Rābha was Rabhasa, from Rabhasa came Gambhīra, and from Gambhīra came a son named Akriya.
Sloka 11:
Akriyův syn se jmenoval Brahmavit, ó králi. Nyní slyš o potomcích Aneny. Anenā měl syna jménem Śuddha, jehož synem byl Śuci. Synem Śuciho byl Dharmasārathi, nazývaný též Citrakṛt.
Text 11:
The son of Akriya was known as Brahmavit, O King. Now hear about the descendants of Anenā. From Anenā came a son named Śuddha, and his son was Śuci. The son of Śuci was Dharmasārathi, also called Citrakṛt.
Sloka 12:
Citrakṛtovi se narodil syn jménem Śāntaraja. Byl seberealizovanou duší a prováděl védské obřady všeho druhu. Proto nezplodil žádné potomky. Synů Rajīho bylo pět set a všichni byli velice mocní.
Text 12:
From Citrakṛt was born a son named Śāntaraja, a self-realized soul who performed all kinds of Vedic ritualistic ceremonies and therefore did not beget any progeny. The sons of Rajī were five hundred, all very powerful.
Sloka 13:
Na žádost polobohů zabil Rajī démony a vrátil nebeské království Pánu Indrovi. Indra, který měl strach z démonů, jako byl Prahlāda, však Rajīmu nebeské království vrátil a odevzdal se jeho lotosovým nohám.
Text 13:
On the request of the demigods, Rajī killed the demons and thus returned the kingdom of heaven to Lord Indra. But Indra, fearing such demons as Prahlāda, returned the kingdom of heaven to Rajī and surrendered himself at Rajī’s lotus feet.
Sloka 14:
Po Rajīho smrti prosil Indra jeho syny, aby mu nebeskou planetu vrátili. Oni si ji však nechali, i když svolili, že Indrovi vrátí jeho podíl prostřednictvím obětí.
Text 14:
Upon Rajī’s death, Indra begged Rajī’s sons for the return of the heavenly planet. They did not return it, however, although they agreed to return Indra’s shares in ritualistic ceremonies.
Sloka 15:
Poté Bṛhaspati, duchovní učitel polobohů, obětoval do ohně se záměrem, aby se Rajīho synové zpronevěřili morálním zásadám. Když se tak stalo, Indra je díky jejich úpadku snadno pobil. Ani jeden z nich nezůstal naživu.
Text 15:
Thereafter, Bṛhaspati, the spiritual master of the demigods, offered oblations in the fire so that the sons of Rajī would fall from moral principles. When they fell, Lord Indra killed them easily because of their degradation. Not a single one of them remained alive.
Sloka 16:
Kuśovi, vnuku Kṣatravṛddhy, se narodil syn jménem Prati. Synem Pratiho byl Sañjaya a jeho synem Jaya. Jayovi se narodil Kṛta a Kṛtovi král Haryabala.
Text 16:
From Kuśa, the grandson of Kṣatravṛddha, was born a son named Prati. The son of Prati was Sañjaya, and the son of Sañjaya was Jaya. From Jaya, Kṛta was born, and from Kṛta, King Haryabala.
Sloka 17:
Haryabalovi se narodil syn jménem Sahadeva a jemu syn Hīna. Synem Hīny byl Jayasena a synem Jayaseny Saṅkṛti. Saṅkṛtiho synem byl mocný a zkušený bojovník jménem Jaya. Tito králové patřili do Kṣatravṛddhovy dynastie. Nyní ti popíši dynastii Nahuṣi.
Text 17:
From Haryabala came a son named Sahadeva, and from Sahadeva came Hīna. The son of Hīna was Jayasena, and the son of Jayasena was Saṅkṛti. The son of Saṅkṛti was the powerful and expert fighter named Jaya. These kings were the members of the Kṣatravṛddha dynasty. Now let me describe to you the dynasty of Nahuṣa.