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Sloka 9

Text 9



tyaja tyajāśu duṣprajñe
mat-kṣetrād āhitaṁ paraiḥ
nāhaṁ tvāṁ bhasmasāt kuryāṁ
striyaṁ sāntānike ’sati
tyaja tyajāśu duṣprajñe
mat-kṣetrād āhitaṁ paraiḥ
nāhaṁ tvāṁ bhasmasāt kuryāṁ
striyaṁ sāntānike ’sati



tyaja — poroď; tyaja — poroď; āśu — ihned; duṣprajñe — ty hloupá ženo; mat-kṣetrāt — z lůna, které jsem měl oplodnit já; āhitam — počaté; paraiḥ — jinými; na — ne; aham — já; tvām — tebe; bhasmasāt — spálenou na popel; kuryām — učiním; striyam — protože jsi žena; sāntānike — toužící po dítěti; asati — i když jsi nemravná.

tyaja — deliver; tyaja — deliver; āśu — immediately; duṣprajñe — you foolish woman; mat-kṣetrāt — from the womb meant for me to impregnate; āhitam — begotten; paraiḥ — by others; na — not; aham — I; tvām — you; bhasmasāt — burnt to ashes; kuryām — shall make; striyam — because you are a woman; sāntānike — wanting a child; asati — although you are unchaste.



Bṛhaspati řekl: “Ty hloupá ženo, tvé lůno, které jsem měl oplodnit já, již oplodnil někdo jiný. Okamžitě to dítě poroď! Poroď je hned! Ujišťuji tě, že tě nespálím na popel, až to učiníš. I když jsi necudná, vím, že jsi chtěla mít syna, a proto tě nepotrestám.”

Bṛhaspati said: You foolish woman, your womb, which was meant for me to impregnate, has been impregnated by someone other than me. Immediately deliver your child! Immediately deliver it! Be assured that after the child is delivered, I shall not burn you to ashes. I know that although you are unchaste, you wanted a son. Therefore I shall not punish you.



Tārā byla provdaná za Bṛhaspatiho, a jako počestná žena tedy měla být oplodněna jím. Nechala se však oplodnit Somou, bohem Měsíce, a proto byla nevěrná. I když ji Bṛhaspati od Brahmy přijal, jakmile viděl, že je těhotná, chtěl, aby svého syna ihned porodila. Tārā se svého manžela velice bála a myslela si, že ji možná po porodu potrestá. Bṛhaspati ji proto ujistil, že ji nebude trestat, neboť přestože byla necudná a otěhotněla nezákonně, přála si mít syna.

Tārā was married to Bṛhaspati, and therefore as a chaste woman she should have been impregnated by him. But instead she preferred to be impregnated by Soma, the moon-god, and therefore she was unchaste. Although Bṛhaspati accepted Tārā from Brahmā, when he saw that she was pregnant he wanted her to deliver a son immediately. Tārā certainly very much feared her husband, and she thought she might be punished after giving birth. Thus Bṛhaspati assured her that he would not punish her, for although she was unchaste and had become pregnant illicitly, he wanted a son.