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Sloka 4-5

Texts 4-5



tad-upasparśanād eva
dharme pāramahaṁsye ca
protpanna-matayo ’py uta
tad-upasparśanād eva
dharme pāramahaṁsye ca
protpanna-matayo ’py uta
tepire tapa evograṁ
pitrādeśena yantritāḥ
prajā-vivṛddhaye yattān
devarṣis tān dadarśa ha
tepire tapa evograṁ
pitrādeśena yantritāḥ
prajā-vivṛddhaye yattān
devarṣis tān dadarśa ha



tat — toho svatého místa; upasparśanāt — koupáním se nebo dotýkáním se této vody; eva — pouze; vinirdhūta — zcela smyté; mala-āśayāḥ — jejichž nečisté touhy; dharme — k činnostem; pāramahaṁsye — vykonávaným nejvyšší třídou sannyāsīnů; ca — také; protpanna — silně tíhnoucí; matayaḥ — jejichž mysli; api uta — ačkoliv; tepire — podstupovali; tapaḥ — askezi; eva — jistě; ugram — tvrdou; pitṛ-ādeśena — na pokyn svého otce; yantritāḥ — zaměstnaní; prajā-vivṛddhaye — ke zvýšení počtu obyvatelstva; yattān — připravení; devarṣiḥ — velký mudrc Nārada; tān — je; dadarśa — navštívil; ha — vskutku.

tat — of that holy place; upasparśanāt — from bathing in that water or touching it; eva — only; vinirdhūta — completely washed away; mala-āśayāḥ — whose impure desires; dharme — to the practices; pāramahaṁsye — executed by the topmost class of sannyāsīs; ca — also; protpanna — highly inclined; matayaḥ — whose minds; api uta — although; tepire — they executed; tapaḥ — penances; eva — certainly; ugram — severe; pitṛ-ādeśena — by the order of their father; yantritāḥ — engaged; prajā-vivṛddhaye — for the purpose of increasing the population; yattān — ready; devarṣiḥ — the great sage Nārada; tān — them; dadarśa — visited; ha — indeed.



Na tom svatém místě se Haryaśvové pravidelně dotýkali vody jezera a koupali se v ní. Postupně se značně očistili a začali tíhnout k činnostem paramahaṁsů. Jelikož jim však otec nařídil zvýšit počet obyvatelstva, podrobovali se tvrdé askezi, aby splnili jeho touhu. Tyto chlapce, podstupující takovou vznešenou askezi za účelem zvýšení počtu obyvatel, uviděl jednoho dne velký mudrc Nārada a přišel za nimi.

In that holy place, the Haryaśvas began regularly touching the lake’s waters and bathing in them. Gradually becoming very much purified, they became inclined toward the activities of paramahaṁsas. Nevertheless, because their father had ordered them to increase the population, they performed severe austerities to fulfill his desires. One day, when the great sage Nārada saw those boys performing such fine austerities to increase the population, Nārada approached them.