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Sloka 5

Text 5



yadā vṛścikādiṣu pañcasu vartate tadāho-rātrāṇi viparyayāṇi bhavanti.
yadā vṛścikādiṣu pañcasu vartate tadāho-rātrāṇi viparyayāṇi bhavanti.



yadā — když; vṛścika-ādiṣu — počínaje Vṛścikou (Štírem); pañcasu — pět; vartate — zůstává; tadā — tehdy; ahaḥ-rātrāṇi — dny a noci; viparyayāṇi — opak (den se krátí a noc prodlužuje); bhavanti — jsou.

yadā — when; vṛścika-ādiṣu — headed by Vṛścika (Scorpio); pañcasu — five; vartate — remains; tadā — at that time; ahaḥ-rātrāṇi — the days and nights; viparyayāṇi — the opposite (the duration of the day decreases, and that of night increases); bhavanti — are.



Když Slunce prochází pěti znameními počínaje Vṛścikou (Štírem), dny se zkracují (až po Kozoroha) a poté se postupně měsíc po měsíci prodlužují, dokud se den nevyrovná s nocí (v Beranu).

When the sun passes through the five signs beginning with Vṛścika [Scorpio], the duration of the days decreases [until Capricorn], and then gradually it increases month after month, until day and night become equal [in Aries].