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Sloka 8

Text 8



jāye uttānapādasya
sunītiḥ surucis tayoḥ
suruciḥ preyasī patyur
netarā yat-suto dhruvaḥ
jāye uttānapādasya
sunītiḥ surucis tayoḥ
suruciḥ preyasī patyur
netarā yat-suto dhruvaḥ



jāye — ze dvou manželek; uttānapādasya — krále Uttānapādy; sunītiḥ — Sunīti; suruciḥ — Suruci; tayoḥ — z nich; suruciḥ — Suruci; preyasī — velmi drahá; patyuḥ — svého muže; na itarā — druhá ne; yat — jejíž; sutaḥ — syn; dhruvaḥ — Dhruva.

jāye — of the two wives; uttānapādasya — of King Uttānapāda; sunītiḥ — Sunīti; suruciḥ — Suruci; tayoḥ — of both of them; suruciḥ — Suruci; preyasī — very dear; patyuḥ — of the husband; na itarā — not the other; yat — whose; sutaḥ — son; dhruvaḥ — Dhruva.



Král Uttānapāda měl dvě královny — Sunīti a Suruci. Suruci měl velmi rád, ale Sunīti, jejíž syn se jmenoval Dhruva, si příliš neoblíbil.

King Uttānapāda had two queens, named Sunīti and Suruci. Suruci was much more dear to the King; Sunīti, who had a son named Dhruva, was not his favorite.



Velký mudrc Maitreya začíná své vyprávění o zbožných činnostech králů. Priyavrata byl prvním synem Svāyambhuvy Manua a Uttānapāda druhým, ale Maitreya začíná u Dhruvy Mahārāje, Uttānāpadova syna, protože Dhruva Mahārāja byl dokonale zbožný. Popis života Dhruvy Mahārāje je velice přitažlivý pro všechny oddané, neboť z jeho zbožných činností se může každý poučit, jak se odpoutat od hmotného vlastnictví a přísnou askezí zdokonalit svou oddanou službu. Poslechem vyprávění o zbožném Dhruvovi můžeme prohloubit svoji víru v Boha a spojit se přímo s Nejvyšší Osobností Božství. Takto lze velmi brzy dosáhnout transcendentální úrovně oddané služby. Popis askeze Dhruvy Mahārāje může okamžitě vyvolat v srdcích naslouchajících sklony k oddané službě.

The great sage Maitreya wanted to describe the pious activities of the kings. Priyavrata was the first son of Svāyambhuva Manu, and Uttānapāda was the second, but the great sage Maitreya immediately began to speak of Dhruva Mahārāja, the son of Uttānapāda, because Maitreya was very eager to describe pious activities. The incidents in the life of Dhruva Mahārāja are very attractive for devotees. From his pious actions, one can learn how one can detach himself from material possessions and how one can enhance one’s devotional service by severe austerities and penances. By hearing the activities of pious Dhruva, one can enhance one’s faith in God and can directly connect with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and thus one can very soon be elevated to the transcendental platform of devotional service. The example of Dhruva Mahārāja’s austerities can immediately generate a feeling of devotional service in the hearts of the hearers.