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Sloka 51

Text 51



dhṛtarāṣṭraḥ saha bhrātrā
gāndhāryā ca sva-bhāryayā
dakṣiṇena himavata
ṛṣīṇām āśramaṁ gataḥ
dhṛtarāṣṭraḥ saha bhrātrā
gāndhāryā ca sva-bhāryayā
dakṣiṇena himavata
ṛṣīṇām āśramaṁ gataḥ



dhṛtarāṣṭraḥ — Dhṛtarāṣṭra; saha — spolu s; bhrātrā — jeho bratr Vidura; gāndhāryā — Gāndhārī také; ca — a; sva-bhāryayā — jeho manželka; dakṣiṇena — na jižní stranu; himavataḥ — Himálaj; ṛṣīṇāmṛṣiů; āśramam — skrýš; gataḥ — odešli.

dhṛtarāṣṭraḥ — Dhṛtarāṣṭra; saha — along with; bhrātrā — his brother Vidura; gāndhāryā — Gāndhārī also; ca — and; sva-bhāryayā — his own wife; dakṣiṇena — by the southern side; himavataḥ — of the Himālaya Mountains; ṛṣīṇām — of the ṛṣis; āśramam — in shelter; gataḥ — he has gone.



Ó králi, tvůj strýc Dhṛtarāṣṭra, jeho bratr Vidura a žena Gāndhārī odešli na jižní stranu Himálaje, kde jsou úkryty velkých mudrců.

O King, your uncle Dhṛtarāṣṭra, his brother Vidura and his wife Gāndhārī have gone to the southern side of the Himālaya Mountains, where there are shelters of the great sages.



Aby uklidnil truchlícího Mahārāje Yudhiṣṭhira, Nārada nejprve promluvil z filozofického hlediska, a potom začal popisovat budoucí cesty jeho strýce, které mohl viděl díky svým předvídavým schopnostem. Začal následovně.

To pacify the mourning Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira, Nārada first of all spoke from the philosophical point of view, and then he began to describe the future movements of his uncle, which he could see by his foreseeing powers, and thus began to describe as follows.