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Text 127

Text 127



“aniketa duṅhe, vane yata vṛkṣa-gaṇa
eka eka vṛkṣera tale eka eka rātri śayana
“aniketa duṅhe, vane yata vṛkṣa-gaṇa
eka eka vṛkṣera tale eka eka rātri śayana



aniketa — bez obydlí; duṅhe — oba; vane — v lese; yata vṛkṣa-gaṇa — tolik, kolik je tam stromů; eka eka vṛkṣera — jednoho stromu po druhém; tale — u kořenů; eka eka rātri — jednu noc za druhou; śayana — ulehnutí ke spánku.

aniketa — without a residence; duṅhe — both of them; vane — in the forest; yata vṛkṣa-gaṇa — as many trees as there are; eka eka vṛkṣera — of one tree after another; tale — at the base; eka eka rātri — one night after another; śayana — lying down to sleep.



„Ti bratři v podstatě nemají žádné stálé obydlí. Každou noc pobývají pod jiným stromem.“

“The brothers actually have no fixed residence. They reside beneath trees — one night under one tree and the next night under another.