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Text 244



dekhi’ tāṅra pitā-mātā baḍa sukha pāila
tāṅhāra āvaraṇa kichu śithila ha-ila
dekhi’ tāṅra pitā-mātā baḍa sukha pāila
tāṅhāra āvaraṇa kichu śithila ha-ila



dekhi' — když viděli; tāṅra — jeho; pitā-mātā — otec a matka; baḍa — velké; sukha — štěstí; pāila — prožívali; tāṅhāra āvaraṇa — silný dohled nad ním; kichu — něco; śithila ha-ila — zeslábl.

dekhi’ — seeing; tāṅra — his; pitā-mātā — father and mother; baḍa — very much; sukha — happiness; pāila — got; tāṅhāra āvaraṇa — strong vigilance upon him; kichu — something; śithila ha-ila — became slackened.



Když otec i matka Raghunātha dāse viděli, že se jejich syn chová jako hospodář, udělalo jim to velkou radost. Polevili proto ve svém dohledu.

When Raghunātha dāsa’s father and mother saw that their son was acting like a householder, they became very happy. Because of this, they slackened their guard.



Když otec i matka Raghunātha dāse viděli, že se jejich syn už nechová jako blázen, ale že zodpovědně plní své povinnosti, měli z toho velkou radost. Jedenáct lidí, kteří ho hlídali – pět strážců, čtyři osobní služebníci a dva brāhmaṇové –, polevilo v pozornosti. Poté, co se Raghunātha dāsa skutečně ujal svých domácích povinností, jeho rodiče počet strážců snížili.

When Raghunātha dāsa’s father and mother saw that their son was no longer acting like a crazy fellow and was responsibly attending to his duties, they became very happy. The eleven people — five watchmen, four personal servants and two brāhmaṇas — who were guarding him became less strict in their vigilance. When Raghunātha dāsa actually took up his household affairs, his parents reduced the number of guards.